Monday, 28 September 2009

no one remembers your name.

Generally I love Autumn. Although I'm feeling a little flat lately. Perhaps it's the post-Bestival comedown. Or maybe it's being abandonned this week in favour of my better half's political ambitions.

But hey! Mother always tells me not to be so negative, especially when meeting folk for the first time!

I'm Emma.

I'm not half as strange as my brain often tells me I am.

I spend a lot of time lending a sympathetic ear to others' problems (both in and out of work!), and I try to keep myself sane with various arty-farty bits 'n' bobs.
I LOVE collage.

I studied painting at university so I'm trying to train myself to get back into that too.
I have a shop over on Folksy, have a click, you know you wanna ;-)

From time to time I'll share with you lovely stuff like this...

I'm always keen to receive feedback, be it compliments, or constructive criticism.
I get upset when colours don't match. I feel better when everything is in it's place. Neatly arranged. Stuck down.
Forgive me if sometimes I confuse my cats with real people.

Stay strange xxx


  1. Welcome to the blogging world! :D

  2. Glad you've started a blog the stranger the better! Let me know if you need any help with furnishing your blog with stuff (mine's getting a little busy now, I'm craving minimalism)

  3. Great intro! Love the face-juice-rubbing-cat pic too!

  4. faces come out of the rain... One of my favourite songs EVER (ever ever ever). Funnily enough, my second favourite is LoveCats by the Cure and you have cats! Cats are ace :)

    anyway, look forward to reading about your adventures!

  5. Thanks guys! And thanks for the offer of help haptree. I'll probably be knocking on your blog door regularly!

  6. I love cats... my youngest son spends most of his life as a cat... I make kitties & I'm called theothermousie... if that ain't strange...

    Welcome to the bizarre world of blogging & stay strange!

    Sarah x

  7. Yeah for strange blogging!! I love your work and I aim to own a piece one day when I've stopped coveting other things :)

  8. I definitely have collages with your name on swirlyarts! Big love for your work also :-)
